Library Management Training was held in Dhulikhel Training Center, Dhulikhel on 29 to 31 August 2018 Which was organized by ADRA Nepal and facilitated by REED Nepal. There are twelve participants were participated from different three schools, Kavre Shree Gorakhnath Basic School, Panauti, Shree Bal Ujjwal Secondary school, Namobuddha and Laxmi Narayan Secondary School, Namobuddha, Kavre. This training was focused on how to manage library in school.
ADRA Nepal has recently established library in three Schools Kavre and provided training for the schools teachers. The participant was very positive. The level, interest, enthusiasm and participation were outstanding and both the facilitators and participants equally enjoyed each and every activity. The contents of the training were very helpful and greatly supported the participants to be more competent and confident to complete their roles and responsibilities as a librarian by being child friendly teachers with child centered teaching learning activities in the library. The students and teachers will use the library for learning and teaching process. In the meantime, the parents and out of school children will be provided sessions on use and purpose of libraries. Similarly, the parents will be given sessions to create awareness on the use of library for reading books they are interested in. To create a reader-friendly environment using clear, helpful signage and attractively displayed resources with plenty of face-out display of book covers help students interact among themselves to create valuable opportunities to chat with readers and be part of the reading conversation. It also helps inbuilding an inclusive collection with a wide range of resources and formats. Similarly, promoting books across ages such as promoting sophisticated picture books and easy reading fiction as “quick reads” to older children, help to encourage struggling readers to find books that suit their abilities.