Expression Of Interest

 Request Proposal

For Conducting the Final (End of Project) Evaluation of


Generating Opportunities in Agriculture and Livelihoods (GOAL-II)

1) Introduction of ADRA:

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a global humanitarian organization founded in 1956. ADRA has a long and successful history of providing humanitarian relief and implementing development initiatives. ADRA aims to work with people in poverty and distress to create justice and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible action.

ADRA in Nepal, one of the members of the global ADRA Network, was established and has been operational in the country since 1987. ADRA Nepal is connected to regular long-term development programs, ensuring that our communities can empower themselves to strengthen their livelihoods and access health services and humanitarian response/ Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).

2) Project overview

Generating Opportunities in Agriculture and Livelihood (GOAL-II) project is a continuation of the Governance and Livelihood Project (2014-2019) by ADRA Nepal. Its goal is to improve the livelihoods of 2400 households in Runtigadhi Rural Municipality in Rolpa and Swargadwari Municipality in Pyuthan, Nepal. The project is being implemented from July 2019 to December 2024 in partnership with Fulvari Integrated Rural Development Organization (FIRDO) in Pyuthan and Rural Development and Awareness Society (RUDAS) in Rolpa. GOAL II project aims to empower women and increase the income of poor and vulnerable people of Swargadwari Municipality, Pyuthan and Runtigadhi RM, Rolpa through resilient and market-led livelihood options, business development services, leadership development, gender equality, and an enabling environment.

The Terms of Reference (ToR) can be accessed from the ADRA Nepal website at or please click on the link below:

Consultancy firms that are interested and eligible are invited to apply for the proposal by submitting a cover letter, Technical Proposal (including team/team leaders’ CVs), and financial proposal as per the Terms of Reference. Submissions should be sent via email to [email protected] or dropped off at the ADRA Nepal Office in Maitri Marga-Bakhundole, Lalitpur by September 22, 2024.

The proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. ADRA Nepal reserves all rights to make decisions and/or cancel the assignment without any information. Submission of false information and statements will disqualify.