Expression Of Interest
‘Supply and Delivery of Murrah Semen’
Bid Ref # Number: D1#093/2024/025
Date of publication: 26 March 2025
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), the global humanitarian organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is dedicated to delivering relief and development support to individuals in more than 120 countries – regardless of their ethnicity, political affiliation, gender, or religious association. By partnering with local communities, organizations, and governments, we ensure our programs are culturally appropriate and empower local capacities for sustainable change. In Nepal, ADRA has been a trusted development partner for over 35 years, with expertise in health, livelihoods, education, and disaster risk management.
ADRA Nepal has been implementing the The Enhanced Rural AI (TERAI) project with the financial support of Jersey Overseas AID, in partnership with IRDC and FORWARD Nepal at Rupandehi and Kapilvastu districts. The Project has been implemented in coordination and collaboration with Department of Livestock Services, Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) and National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC). The main objective of the project is to reduce poverty and improve livelihood of small holder farmers through increased income and resilience. As part of its breed development, ADRA Nepal invites sealed bid from qualified suppliers for Supply and Delivery of Murrah Semen to The Enhanced Rural AI (TERAI) project for smallholder Dairy Farmers in Kapilvastu and Rupandehi.
A complete set of Bidding Document may be obtained from ADRA Nepal website Get Involve section –
Eligible suppliers can submit their tender within 21 days from the first date of notice published date 26 March 2025.
- Interested and eligible vendors are requested to apply for the call with the required set of documents as mentioned on Bid call with subject title “Supply and Delivery of Murrah Semen” and should be submitted to ADRA Nepal, Lalitpur-01, Maitri Marg Bakhundole, Nepal OR via email to [email protected], until 15 April 2025 by 5:00 PM.
- Deadline for request for any clarifications if any via email by vendors by 11 April 2025.
- Sealed Bids should be valid for a period of 90 days and must be accompanied by all required documents.
- Information by the bidder, which is either incomplete or unclear or not substantiated by supporting documents shall not be considered for further evaluation.
- Bid received after deadline shall not be considered for further evaluation.
- In the case of discrepancies or error in bid documents, bid notice or any other documents, ADRA Nepal reserves the right to accept or deny or amend and correct at any time. The figure for the bid amount must be clear if any discrepancy may occur then the figure written in word is valid.
- ADRA Nepal reserves the right to accept or reject, whole or partly, any or all the bids without stating any reason whatsoever.
- ADRA Nepal reserves the right to open the bid without the presence of the bidder’s representative, but the result will be published in Notice Board of ADRA NEPAL Office.
- For further information please contact:
ADRA Nepal,
Lalitpur-01, Maitri Marg Bakhundole.
Tel No.: +977 (1) 5455913/14
Email : [email protected]