कोभिड-१९ विरुद्धको बुष्टर मात्रा खोप लगाउने बारे सूचना,१८ वर्ष माथिका २ मात्रा कोभिड-१९ विरुद्धको खोप लिएका वा जोन्सन एण्ड जोन्सन खोपको एक मात्रा लिइ ३ महिना पुरा गरेका व्यक्तिहरूका लागि कोभिड-१९ विरूद्दको बुस्टर मात्रा खोप धमाधम प्रदान गरिदैछ । नजिकैको वडा कार्यालयमा सम्पर्क राखि कोभिड–१९ विरुद्धको बुस्टर मात्रा खोप लगाउनु होला । खोप निशुल्क: पाईन्छ, […]
EU Ambassador Visits to LIRIC Field Projects

European Union Ambassador H.E Nona DEPREZ field visit and interaction with Adharsha Income Generation Mixed farmers group, Bhangaha -6, Mahottari.
Meeting with EU Delegations and Ministries

ADRA Nepal and its partners CDAFN and Rupantaran participated in the High Level Meeting with Madhesh Province Ministries in presence of European Union Ambassador H.E Nona DEPREZ to discuss and update on EU program implemented in the Madhesh Province. EU other project partners like Oxfam, VSO and their implementing partners were also presence in the […]
A cross-project learning trip organized

On the 5th of May 2022, the project team from the FOSTER project implemented by ADRA Nepal at Dhading in partnership with RIMS Nepal visited the cross-project learning visit at the GOAL-II project. During the visit, the team was involved in interaction with beneficiaries, and the district project team and observed the project areas of […]