
Expression Of Interest

Request for Technical and Financial Proposal for

Video Documentary Development of

GOAL-II Project in Pyuthan and Rolpa Districts, Phase-II (GOAL-II) Project

Date of Publication: Thursday, 3 March 2025

  1. Introduction of ADRA

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), the global humanitarian organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is dedicated to delivering relief and development support to individuals in more than 120 countries – regardless of their ethnicity, political affiliation, gender, or religious association. By partnering with local communities, organizations, and governments, we ensure our programs are culturally appropriate and empower local capacities for sustainable change. In Nepal, ADRA has been a trusted development partner for over 35 years, with expertise in health, livelihoods, education, and disaster risk management.

  1. Objective of the assignment

The expected outcomes of the video documentary development are:

  • Development of a high-quality video documentary with Nepali and English subtitles for 5-6 minutes (covering Key interventions and the GOAL-II project’s overall impact);
  • 4 high-quality short videos (2-3 minutes) on Farmer Field Schools, project support small irrigation systems, Climate-smart agricultural technologies and Farmers Market School (FMS) to improve understanding about the market, collective marketing through collection centers.
  • Documentary to be broadcasted in National/Online Television or in relevant forums to show the GOAL-II progress.


Interested and eligible individuals & organizations are requested to apply for the call. The Financial, and Technical proposal, and with organizational documents should be submitted to [email protected]  or drop at ADRA Nepal Office located at Maitri Marg Bakhundole-1, Lalitpur, until 10 March 2025 till 5 PM.

Furthermore, ToR can be access from the below link.

The proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. ADRA Nepal reserves all rights to make decisions and/or cancel the assignment without any information. Submission of false information and statements will disqualify.

Telephone enquiries will not be entertained.